Statue of Liberty

What is Statue of Liberty       
The Statue of Liberty is a sculpture of a woman wearing a green loose gawn is a in her Roman goddess Levertasse. It is a statue of a woman made of copper. The original height of the statue is 151 feet 1 inches, the weight of the statue is about two and a half kilograms, with the right torch in the right hand, the book of the law in the left hand and the crown which is 10 feet away from one ear to the other with the cut, symblizing the liberation of the American side of the shoe. This sculpture serves as a symbol of the liberation of France and as a gift for maintaining friendship, which is based in New York, USA.                                                                                               
 History of Statue of Liberty    
France helped the United States during the American conflict with Britain the past. The Statue of Liberty was a symbol of friendship between the two countries a hnudred years befor France’s Independence gift was made in 1876. The French sculptor Frederick August Balladie was given the task of completing the desing by 1876. It could be given on the occasion of American independence. France built the statue in july 1884. In 1885 the French war was carried on the ship "Isis". It was divided into 350 distinct parts and packeged in 214 bushes. There sections taka four months to sit on the vo. The first part of the radiant light is placed. The new copper opaque, covered in 24 carat gold leaf was restored in 1984 completed, the background work was completed in April 1886. By 1924 the sculpture was titled " Liberty Enilghtening the Wald",then renamed the Statue of Liberty on October 28, 2011, in the 125th anniversary.  


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