
Kadam Rasool Building History

Kadam Rasool History Kadam Rasool is located in Gaur. The building was built to pay tribute to the traces of the Prophet. It was built by Nasrat Shah (1531 AD). In one of the rooms in this building, a piece of stone with the footprints of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was placed on a carved black marble altar.

Ak Lakhi Mosque History

Ak Lakhi Mosque History Notable achievements of the reign of Sultan Jalaluddin Ak Lakhi Mosque in Pandya. Its construction period is 1418-1423 AD. There is a proverb that at that time one lakh taka was spent for its construetion. Then the Mosque is known as Ak Lakhi Mosque. This Mosque is actually a tomb. He and his wife and  childrens were buried in this mausoleum.

The History of Adina Mosque

Adina Mosque History The capital of the Muslim Sultans of independent Bangla was first Gaur, than Pandua and than Gaur again. Therefore, the architectural monuments of the Muslim tradition were first developed in these tow cities. In 1369, Sultan Sikandar Shah built the Adina Mosque. The grave of Sikandar was built on the north side of the Mosque.

The Somapura Mahavihara

The Somapura Mahavihara History paharpur is an important archaeological site situated in a village named Paharpur in Naogaon district of northern Bangladesh. Naogaon is mainly plain land but in the middle of it stood a hill covered with jungle. When the jungle was cleared and the hill excavated, there emerged a lofty ruin of an ancient temple. The temple is about 24 meter high from the surrounding level. Pahar means hill. Hence is the name Paharpur. The paharpur site has been excavated and re-excavated a number of time by archaeologists. sir Alexander Cunningham, archaeological surveyor of India, visited the place in 1879. He intended to carry out an extensive excavation but was prevented by the land owner. Nevertheless, he was satisfied with whatever excavation ha was permitted to carryout. The site was declared to be protected by the Archaeological Survey of India in 1919 under the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of 1904. Systematic and regular excavation started jointly by ...

Shat Gambuj Mosque

Shat Gambuj Mosque History & Beauty     The Shat Gambuj Mosque in Bagerhat is such a heritage. It become a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. Originally, the histoic Mosque city was known as 'Khalifatabad'. It is situated at the outskirts of Bagerhat town not very far from the dense mangrove forest of the Sundarbans. Khalifatabad was a Muslim colony. It was founded by the Turkish general, a saint warrior Ulugh Khan Jahan in the 15th century. The infrastructure of the city reveals significant technical skills in many mosques as well as early Islamic monuments. Baked bricks are used for the construction of the buildings. The planning of the city is distinctly dominated by Islamic architecture and the decorations were a combination of Mughal and Turkish architecture. Khan Jahan built a network of roads, bridges, public buildings and reservoirs to make the city habitable. There are about 360 mosques in the city. Among them the most remarkable is the multi-domed Sh...

Historical Star Mosque

Historical Star Mosque    Star Mosque is a famous mosqie for it’s archetectural beauty. It is situated at Abul Khairat Road Armenitola in the old part of Dhaka city. The mosque was built in Mughal style in early 18th century. It is known that Mirza Ghulam pir, a respectable zamindar of Dhaka built it. It has a five beautiful domes. The domes are decorated with stars. The mosque, both inside and outside is decorated with mosaic. Small chips of chinawre – plate, cup etc and pieces of glass have been used for mosic. This type of mosaic is called Chini Tikuri work, vase with flowers is an important decorative motif on the walls. Flower vases flower branches rosset, crescen, star,and Arabic calligraphic writing have been used in the overall decoration of the mosque. Hundreds of stars have been created on the domes of white marble. All over the mosque the motif of Star's dominate the decoration and so the mosque is called the star mosque ( Tara masjid).      ...

Statue of Liberty

What is Statue of Liberty        The Statue of Liberty is a sculpture of a woman wearing a green loose gawn is a in her Roman goddess Levertasse. It is a statue of a woman made of copper. The original height of the statue is 151 feet 1 inches, the weight of the statue is about two and a half kilograms, with the right torch in the right hand, the book of the law in the left hand and the crown which is 10 feet away from one ear to the other with the cut, symblizing the liberation of the American side of the shoe. This sculpture serves as a symbol of the liberation of France and as a gift for maintaining friendship, which is based in New York, USA.                                                                                            ...